Saturday, 7 July 2012

Inconsistent policy-making

Policy inconsistency has become a cancer in the inclusive government of Zimbabwe (GNU). Of course one would expect competition among the parties that form the GNU to capture the hearts and minds of voters ahead of a possible Presidential and Parliamentary election. But what's crucial in the present time, considering the country has witnessed a decade of economic turmoil, is for the various government actors to work in such an inclusive manner to solve the many problems affecting various Zimbabweans who put them in office. Considering and polarized society we had become, inclusivity was the best option to water down the tensions in the country. Across the populace, tensions have reduced remarkably, but it is among the top brass of the political parties were this tension still persists.

 One major problem I find in policy-making across all parties is that it is not 'ecological' in that it doesn't consider all the various stakeholders and issues; and the complex relationships among them. This is because these state actors don't have strong ideologies which provide mechanisms which transform policies into sustainable actions. Cheap politicking is the order of the day. If you look at how the Indigenization saga has been handled by minister Saviour Kasukuwere, one wonders why noble and important issues like indigenization are mishandled and not properly consulted like that when they are going to have a huge effect on the daily livelihoods of all Zimbabweans. Putting personalities and self interests before the national cause is a scourge which when not effectively tackled, will result in another 'lost decade'.

 One major problem affecting Zimbabwe is a lack of vigorous academic community which can provide testable policy alternatives and strong ideological view points, be it political, social or economic. This is because major developments across the world in knowledge and philosophy underpinning ideology have been developed in academia. Therefore, if a strong academia isn't developed, policy 'entrepreneurs' will continue to wreck our country and economy.

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