

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Happy New Year!

2012 is now over and it's now 2013. New year and new things. I hope this year is the year I hit the groove with my work. As to my reseah, I think I have got a lot of ideas around and I am going to make an effort to get them published. It's a great amount of work and I am up to the challenge. From my experience, making firm targets doesn't actually work because you are more likely to procrastinate and hope to do all your work just before the deadline. But if you work bit by bit and mke sure you are developing your ideas continually you will reach somewhere.

As to my blog, I think my experience of last year has given me a lot of ideas as to what can make a blog quite informative and interesting. A blog should define a great deal about the depth of your work, therefore this year is the year I am going to do it right. First it is about the presentation, then content and finally reach or marketing it. It seems a lot o work but if you are a hard working fellow naturallly, this all seems like daily bread.

In 2012 I put a lot of effort in trying to expose the fact that nothing substantial has been made to correct the errors of the Economics Profession which were exposed by the events leading and following the Great Recession. The aminstream folks would like to see things go on as everything is normal but I think a lot of myths now need to be debunked. That has given me much entusiasm to do a lot of substantial research in the area. Maybe that will be my big break, who knows?

I also touched a bit about the Actuarial Profession in 2012, particularly over its lack of originality in recent years in the aspects of original ideas and research. I also said tht it has followed mainly behind the footsteps of finance and economics. When these two mistep. the Actuarial Profession follows behind. The Great Recession is a case-point, and ideas which were concidered invincible such as the Market-Consistent Valuation were exposed and a lot of effort is now being made to correct these issues. But if you look at all these issues, you will notice that lack of originality is the all important issue. Like in economics I will also make a lot of effort in making substantial research in the area

Therefore I will make 2013 a year to remember by making sure I work hard in all important areas. areas. Therefore Happy New Year to my followers and readers.

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