

Friday, 28 December 2012

The Fiscal Cliff deadlock....

This Fiscal Cliff deadlock is now going in the wrong direction as it now seems that the deadline will pass without any credible solution agreed to. It only shows how democracy in America as we know it has not served its populace in an optimal fashion.

It's clear to any rationally thinking person that America has seen its inequality increase dramatically over the past few years. It has the fourth greatest inequality in the OECD countries. Therefore any tax code changes should take this into consideration. Stupid ideological issues by the Republicans not to raise any taxes at all when it is economically insane shows how out of depth the Republicans are over this issue.

What's needed in America is a Fiscal Revolution,to effect any credible changes to its tax code. Expecting congress to effect this in its normal channel is not likely. Even even expecting the populace to effect credible changes during the election process isn't likely as well because American voters are as indoctrinanted as their Congressmen. Therefore this means that American econo,y is going to endure a sub-optimal growth process for a very long time and its officials will realise this when the Chinese are about to overtake them. That's when they will know that they are not clever at all.

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