

Friday, 21 December 2012

Rice out of the raca to succeed Hillary Clinton

It looks like Susan Rice has bowed out of being considered by Barack Obama to replace Hillary Clinton as the US Secretary of State. As it turns out the issue isn't just about the Benghazi affair but includes a host of many other affairs including dealings with the Kagame Government (Rwanda), her business deals, e.t.c. If John Kerry is eventually appointed Secretary of State, it will be a blessing in disguise because Susan rice is just on of those Republican wannabes of the Democratic Party.

She isn't just good for African progress. This is because she does not represent the sentiments Africans had about Obama before he was elected the American President. She is one of the key figures who have been behind the otracious decisions made by the Obama Adminstration. Because of the Senate confirmation problems, maybe Obama might make her National Security Advisor which does not require Senate confirmation. Maybe is the question. If she gets out of the picture, Obama will get more room to make sensible decisions. In a matter of weeks we will find out.

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