

Friday, 21 December 2012


Today is the 21st of December 2012. Some say this day is the end of the world because of the ancient Mayan calender says so and also from the predictions of prophesies from Nostradamus. I do not believe all of that but you see people will be surprised when we wake up tomorrow to find the sun shining. Then it will be, "aaghh, just another false apocalypse." But I do not blame them. People can believe anything these days.

What I find amusing id the belief that a simple mountain in France is the only place where people are going to be saved from the destruction that comes as a result of the end of the world. Look at this, a western spin comes into the air. Th e Mayan thin is from Latin America. But now somewhere in France, in the west is where people are going to be saved. If it was said that a place in Zimbabwe is the place of salvation, then that proposition is instantly dismissed. That's pure western intellectual imperialism at play.

We hope on the 22nd, of all this nonsense will be dismissed and placed to the dustbins of history where it all belongs. Happy 21st of December everyone.

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