Sunday, 12 August 2012

It's Team Romney-Ryan!

So Mitt Romney chose Representative Paul Ryan as his Vice Presidential running mate for the GOP ticket for this year's US Presidential elections. Mitt's pick brings more energy to both opposing sides which are aiming for the Presidency. Romney benefits because he will be able to reach out to the conservative part of the Republican party including those Tea Party folks.

Whether Ryan's experience as chairman of Congressional Budget Committee will bring economic clout to Romney's campaign is a contentious issue. This is the issue were Obama's team seem to aiming for. They will obviously browse through the decisions made by Ryan during his 14-year tenure as a congressman. Such a rich literature will add impetus to the Obama campaign as they will have many angles to attack the GOP team.

My take on this. Obama is going to have an advantage because the fiscally conservative Ryan's views are bound to be unpopular with the middle-class who are the majority voters. This is because he advocates austerity by cutting spending on key services such as Medicare. In difficult times like this, this is unacceptable. The middle-class will view this as an undeserving punishment for the crisis they didn't start.

On a more funnier note, Romney mistakenly introduced Ryan as the "next President of the United States." This was a major gaffe but hey, with Romney, gaffes are like daily bread.

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