Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The French Government is under a lot of heat.

The French economy and especially the Government of Francois Hollande has been receiving bad reviews of late. There has been downgrades by rating agencies and a now infamous piece in the economist which tears apart left right and center the economic policies of the French government. In my opinion, the criticisms only stem from the fact that the current Government is being run by the Socialists who aren't ideal friends with the financial guys. So expectedly you would expect a bruising of Hollande by these folks.

But the effect of this when played out in the media is that the biased opinions of The Economist, added with some spin are now presented as "facts" on the ground when the situation is far from that. The Economist and Co aren't intellectual leaders in the field of economics and hence their opinions should be treated with caution. That's what I would call Pseudo-Pacifist propaganda at play to cement capitalism as man's only hope of economic survival even after it's cataclysmic failure during the recent Global Financial and Economic Crisis (GFEC).

Why should these right-leaning media houses and the Credit rating agencies who were discredited by the GFEC be the ones who have wisdom to lead us ou of the crisis which they didn't forecast and were actually supporting policies which caused that crisis. So any sensible person should listen to such folks and institutions.

Why is it okay to bail out failed banks and not governments when both are suffering from high indebtness. We are told that the paychecks of government employees are supposed to be cut but if you mention that of bankers you hear such nonsense like it's bad for the economy; it will affect he efficiency of the banks; talent will be lost; blah blah blah. But hey, these failed bankers should simply be fired

What's needed in France is a long term solution which includes growth policies. There a fair appraisal should at the issue in the long term unlike credit rating agencies which are short-termish. France is a long way off from defaulting on it's debt, hence they should be resolute in pushing for polices which benefit the majority at large

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