

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

The Democratic Party National Convention Israeli vote fiasco

The above video shows a scene at the US Democratic Convention when the vote on Israel was about to be done. The vote was a sham and it clearly shows how undemocratic the US establishment is regardless of how they try to brainwash everyone over the issue of their supposed democratic credentials. It's clear that the Israeli vote was rejected but the chair kept on running a recount and eventually declared the resolution as passed when the opposite was true. Therefore why bother vote when you are going to push through your views. Some countries especially the so-called rogue ones are accused of doing what the democratic party did in this case. The power of the special interest or more formally the lobby groups was clearly exposed. While poor Americans stand in voting lines for hours, some guys in dark suits with lots of cash make the decisions which affect their country and especially the whole world. That's not democracy to me but some form of plutocracy at it's worst. It's now time for people to see this issues the way they are and not the way they are presented

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