

Monday, 30 July 2012

A nonsensical survey.

A recent survey Foreign Policy magazine indicated Zimbabwe was ranked fifth in an index of failed states. That's absurd to say the least. I don't know what goes on in those guys' minds for sure. Are they serious when they say that Libya and Syria are better than Zimbabwe? Let's not talk about Afghanistan and Iraq, were suicide bombings and war are the norm. When people talk about the systematic propaganda against Zimbabwe by some imperialistic organizations like the Foreign Policy magazine, they know what they are saying. But you find some in Zimbabwe disagreeing on this fact. Come-on people, open up your eyes. Things in Zimbabwe aren't bad as they say. There is some political tension but it's mostly confined in the realms of the politicians. Ordinary folks are living peacefully. Economic activity is up, with many people now having adequate incomes to feed their families. And they tell us Zimbabwe is a failed state. Pure nonsense. They should find something worthwhile to do instead of publishing stupid surveys.

A lot of biased surveys are on the loose. The think tanks behind these surveys manipulate their audiences a lot. They present their findings as if their research correctly depicts what is happening on the ground. Their findings are actually used to portray the supposed superiority of their ideologies they subscribe to whether political or economic over other countries which usually appear at the bottom. In plain language this is propaganda which is used in an attempt to unite world opinion against certain countries or political groups. Technically these reports lack academic rigor. What is good in a certain society should not be translated as the same in another society. Different people have different tastes. These think tanks represent the countries that sponsor them. The findings of these think tanks are used by the sponsoring country to give themselves the moral obligation to illegally interfere in the affairs of sovereign nations, militarily, politically or via economic pressure. Simply this is neocolonialism and imperialism at work. People especially youths in the  developing world find it difficult to accept that certain world powers have still in their blood the desire to practice imperialism but in our times' case in a more diplomatic tone via methods such as neo colonialism. The glorified cultures, languages, technologies, politics and economies of the west blind today's youth into finding it difficult to accept such a "civilized" west could try to control every aspect of other people's lives and resources against their will. This is turning out to be a disaster to affect today's youth.

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