The Houla massacre seems to have raised tensions to the tipping point in the Syrian crisis. It seems there are people determined to see the Annan 6-point plan fail. The raging violence in Syria is setting the stage for another Libya. We should be worried because the so-called strong advocates of freedom and democracy are prepared to go around the international law in an attempt to achieve "cheap" geopolitical points. The simultaneous expulsions of Syrian diplomats from major western capitals is a starting point to eventually use the military option to illegitimately remove Assad's government. As we saw in Libya such a move is doomed to fail because it will not end violence in Syria just like what happened in Libya. War mongers such as U.S. senators John Mccain and Joe Lieberman have upped the ante by renewing their call for the U.S. government to provide heavy arms to the Syrian rebels. These are the same guys who supported the Iraq and Libyan military aggressions which had disastorous results on human life, infrastructure and society.
The terrible impact of terrorists in Syria is largely being ignored in the western power circles and media. Only recently did the U.K. ambassador to the U.N. Mark L. Grant acknoledge the presence of terrorists in Syria but he downplayed their impact. It is ironic to see how powerful U.N. Security Council members excluding China and Russia have double standards. Instead of promoting and safeguarding peace and security around the world, they are actually fostering unrest by supporting, financing and arming the Syrian opposition contrary to international law. U.S.'s Susan Rice even went an extra mile by refering to the Syrian Government as the "Syrian regime".
The only way to achieve peace in Syria is if all the opposing sides sit on the table and negotiate a peaceful settlement. The military option is surely going to fail. Give dialogue a chance!
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