Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The Global Economic and Financial Uncertainty

A lot financial and economic events have happened these past weeks which are significant such as the the increasing fragility of the Chinese economy, the massive global stock market selling and resultant rebound of the respective indices among others

A lot remains unexplained but we can only postulate about the events. What I can say is that the global financial and economic system is still vulnerable post 2008 Financial Crisis and Global Recession. Are the reforms instituted enough? I think its a big NO!!! Why so? The dominant economic thinking has not changed much and fairly speaking the reforms are not effective. What is evident is that the dominant economic thought of the last decade and a half has failed. Not much emphasis is upon the unknown unkowns. We tend to assume that what we don't know we know as non-existent, instead of trying to model such variables.

The causes and implications of the Chinese slowdown and global stock market volatilities is something I will touch upon in a future post. What is evident is that something is not right in our global economy!

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